SerialPortCommunication v0.1

Plugin Introduction

This plugin expects to provide a set of APIs needed for serial programming in an Unreal C++ programming environment, as well as a set of functions that can be used for serial communication in blueprints.

It currently provides basic serial communication, either synchronously (i.e. blocking the game process) or asynchronously (i.e. not blocking the game thread) with the serial port.

This is the author's first time to write API wrapper related plugins. Please understand if there are any shortcomings.

If you have good suggestions, improvement needs and unexpected errors in use, please send feedback to


Use cases in blueprints

The next case will show a simple send/receive with a serial port. The connected serial device is a CH340 and I docked two CH340s to perform a serial send/receive test.

In the above figure, I created a test Actor subclass and did the creation of the serial port after BeginPlay. The values of the two structures passed in are their default values. The Name parameter is the serial port number to be opened, Synchronize is checked by default, in fact, it can be checked for asynchronous operation, here I keep the default value.

The returned result is a handle to the serial port, which is saved as a variable after determining whether it is valid or not.

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After creating the handle of the serial port, the initial settings should be made.

In the above figure, the first function performed is to initialize the serial port and allocate the buffer. The second function sets its DeviceControlBlock, whose value is shown below, which is the default value. The third function sets its timeout parameter. The value of the timeout setting structure passed in is the default value.

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After setting all mandatory items, the function is called to empty the buffer of this handle. The PurgeAction passed in is the default value

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**Don't forget to close the serial port! **Written here for simple testing at the EndPlay of this Actor.

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AsyncWriteHandle can be called to write the serial port handle asynchronously during the valid period of the handle.

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AsyncReadHandle can be called to read the serial port handle asynchronously during the valid period of the handle

Blueprints API


  • Handle

    Handle, corresponding to Windows::HANDLE, which holds a void pointer inside.

  • DesiredAccess

    Used to indicate the type of access to the handle serial port

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  • ShareMode

    Used to indicate the shared mode of the handle serial port, the serial port is generally set to Exclusive

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  • DeviceControlBlock

    Device control block, corresponding to the _DCB structure of the windows api

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  • CommTimeouts

    Timeout setting, corresponding to the _COMMTIMEOUTS structure of the windows api

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  • CommStat

    Serial port status

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  • PurgeAction

    Buffer clear operation.

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  • EventMask

    Serial port event masking

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  • CommErrors

    Serial port error

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  • Overlaped

    Overlap operation, generally used for asynchronous execution of handles. It is not recommended to use it, as the plugin already provides an asynchronous execution version.

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Function Name Graphic Introduction
Convert Handle to String Converts a handle to a string.
The result is the address value of the void pointer inside the Handle.
Handle Is Valid Returns whether a Handle is valid or not.
Handle Is Valid It is the execution branch version of the above function.
Create Comm Handle 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 163827 When Synchronize is true, asynchronous operation is still possible.
Setup Comm 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 163954 Initialize the serial port and allocate buffers.
Close Handle 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 164106 Close the handle.
Get Last Error Code 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 164135 Get the last error code, this function is ultimately a wrapper for GetLastError().
The error code is returned by this function,
please search the web for details of what the return value of this function represents.
Clear Comm Error 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 164936 Clear serial port errors. And get the error and status of the serial port.
Get Comm Control Block 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165053 Get the Device Control Block of the serial port.
Set Comm Control Block 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165103 Set the Device Control Block of the serial port.
Build Comm DCB 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165137 Constructs a serial DCB structure from a string.
This function is a wrapper for BuildCommDCB().
Please search the web for the specific build rules.
Convert String to DCB 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165146 This function is the Convert version of the above function
Purge Comm 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165306 Clear the serial port buffer.
Flush Comm Buffers 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165340 Flushing the serial port buffer
Read Handle 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165502 Read serial port synchronously
Async Read Handle 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165519 Read serial port asynchronously
Write Handle 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165554 Write serial port synchronously
Async Write Handle 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165606 Write serial port asynchronously
Get Overlapped Result 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165643 Gets the result of the overlapped operation.
This function is a wrapper around GetOverlappedResult().
It is generally used to wait for the result of an asynchronous operation to be obtained.
bWait blocks the thread when it is true. It is recommended not to use this function,
but to use the Async version of the function. Such as the Async Read Handle node above.
Get Comm Timeouts 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165716 Get the timeout parameter of the serial port.
Set Comm Timeouts 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165727 Set the timeout parameter of the serial port.
Get Comm Event Mask 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165830 Get the event mask of the serial port.
Set Comm Event Mask 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165838 Setting event masks for serial ports.
Wait Comm Event 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165848 Wait for the serial port event response, which is a synchronous operation.
Please use asynchronous operation in general.
Async Wait Comm Event 屏幕截图 2023-03-22 165943 Wait for the serial event response, which is an asynchronous operation.


Use cases in CPP

First, you need to add a dependency to the module of the function library that uses the plugin.

For example, in this example, I will test the serial communication in a project file.

Build.cs file of my project file and add a field "SerialPortCommunication" to the PublicDependencyModuleNames list so that I can use the module's symbols in my project code.

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" ,"SerialPortCommunication"});

Then I created a subclass of Actor for testing serial communication.

After successful creation, add the following to the header file

#include "WindowsCommProcessTypes.h"

and added three function declarations and a handle variable to the class.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
// Add include
#include "WindowsCommProcessTypes.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "COMActorTest.generated.h"

class YOURPROJECT_API ACOMActorTest : public AActor


	virtual void BeginPlay() override;

	FHandle Handle;

	virtual void BeginDestroy() override;

	// Do Async Read
	void AsyncRead();

	// Do Async Write
	void AsyncWrite();

	// Receive Async Read
	void Print(FString String);

Then I implement it in the cpp file.

#include "COMActorTest.h"

#include "AsyncReadHandleAction.h"
#include "AsyncWriteHandleAction.h"
#include "WindowsCommProcess.h"

   PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = false;

void ACOMActorTest::BeginPlay()

   // Create Handle and Open Comm.
   Handle = FWindowsCommProcess::CreateCommHandle("COM5");

   // If it is not valid then return.
   if (!Handle)

   // Setup Comm Begin
   FWindowsCommProcess::SetCommControlBlock(Handle, FDeviceControlBlock());
   FWindowsCommProcess::SetCommTimeouts(Handle, FCommTimeouts());
   // Setup Comm End

   // Clear Buffer

   // Print Log
   UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Handle Open Success"));

void ACOMActorTest::BeginDestroy()

   // Make sure the serial port is closed.
   if (Handle)

void ACOMActorTest::AsyncRead()
   if (!Handle)

   // Create asynchronous read execution objects.
   auto Object = UAsyncReadHandleAction::AsyncReadHandle(Handle);
   // Binding delegates to receive callbacks.
   Object->OnReadCompleted.AddDynamic(this, &ACOMActorTest::Print);

   // Performing asynchronous operations.

void ACOMActorTest::AsyncWrite()
   if (!Handle)
   // Execute asynchronous operations directly after creating an asynchronous write object.
   UAsyncWriteHandleAction::AsyncWriteHandle(Handle, "CppComTest")->Activate();

void ACOMActorTest::Print(FString String)
   // Callback function for printing the result after asynchronous reading.
   UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *String);



In the code file you can find two sets of key files, which are




The former set of files are the files that can be used for Unreal C++ serial programming use and contain the wrapped types and functions. You should use the former set of files for serial programming.

The latter set of files implements the exposure of functions to the blueprint. The types and functions in the latter group are wrapped again in the former group.

The type of the previous set of files should prevail when you are programming the serial port.

If you need to make extensions and want to expose the extended C++ functions to the blueprint, the exposed section should refer to the implementation of the latter set of files.

All types and functions shown in this section will be subject to the definitions within the previous set of files.

Since most of this plug-in is a wrapper for the Windows serial programming API, the vast majority of functions or types will not be explained here. Please see the Windows documentation on serial functions for details.



The serial access flag, which can be a combination of multiple values.


The serial port shared mode flag, which can be a combination of multiple values. For serial ports, the mode is generally exclusive.


The serial port error flag, which can be a combination of multiple values.


The serial event flag, which can be a combination of multiple values.


Serial port property description, which can be a combination of multiple values. For serial ports, generally only Overlapped is useful.


The serial buffer operation flag, which can be a combination of multiple values.


Create an enumeration of operations. For serial ports, generally only OpenExisting is useful.


DTR flow control enumeration.


RTS flow control enumeration.


Checksum mode enumeration.


Stop Bit Enumeration


Handle structure. Its interior is a void pointer, a wrapper around Windows::HANDLE, defining the operation in question. It can be created directly in the blueprint.

It can be directly interconverted with Windows::HANDLE.

FHandle:: 简介
Get() 获取内部地HANDLE,即void指针。
IsValid() 判断句柄时候有效。
ToString() 转化为字符串,转化内容为内部HANDLE的值。
operator FString() 转化为字符串的操作符。
operator bool() 转化为布尔的操作符,值是IsValid()的返回值。

Security attribute. Is an encapsulation of _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES. Can be directly interconverted.


Device control block. Is a wrapper for _DCB. Can be directly converted to each other.


Overlap operation structure. Is an encapsulation of _OVERLAPPED. It can be directly converted to each other.


Serial supermarket settings. Is a wrapper for _COMMTIMEOUTS. It can be directly converted to each other.


Serial port state structure, a wrapper for _COMSTAT. It can be directly interconverted.

Static function library

FWindowsCommProcess:: Introduction
CreateFileHandle() Create a file handle, generally not used here for serial port handle creation.
CreateCommHandle() Creates a serial port handle, which is a wrapper around CreateFileHandle. This is generally used to create the handle and open the serial port.
SetupComm() Initialize the serial port and allocate buffers.
CloseHandle() Close handle to close the serial port.
GetLastError() Get the last error.
ClearCommError() Clear the serial port error.
GetCommControlBlock() Get the control block of the serial port.
SetCommControlBlock() Set the control block of the serial port.
PurgeComm() Clears the buffer of the serial port.
FlushCommBuffers() Flush the buffer of the serial port.
ReadHandle() Read handle for reading the serial port.
WriteHandle() Write handle for writing to the serial port.
GetOverlappedResult() Gets the result of an overlapping operation, typically used to get the result of an asynchronous operation.
GetCommTimeouts() Get the timeout setting for the serial port.
SetCommTimeouts() Set the timeout setting for the serial port.
GetCommEventMask() Get the event mask of the serial port.
SetCommEventMask() Set the event mask for the serial port.
WaitCommEvent() Waiting for serial port events.

Asynchronous Operation Class

UAsyncReadHandleAction:: Introduction
staitc AsyncReadHandle() Factory method to create a UAsyncReadHandleAction object.
Activate() Activating. After activating, asynchronous operations are performed. If the object has not executed the function, the asynchronous operation will not be executed. After the asynchronous operation is complete, it is called back and destroyed.
OnReadCompleted A callback that is executed when the read is complete.
UAsyncWriteHandleAction:: Introduction
static AsyncWriteHandle() Factory method to create a UAsyncWriteHandleAction object.
Activate() Activating. After activating, asynchronous operations are performed. If the object has not executed the function, the asynchronous operation will not be executed. After the asynchronous operation is complete, it is called back and destroyed.
OnWriteCompleted A callback that is executed when a write is complete.
UAsyncWaitCommEvent:: Introduction
static AsyncWaitCommEvent() Factory method to create a UAsyncWaitCommEvent object.
Activate() Activating. After activating, asynchronous operations are performed. If the object has not executed the function, the asynchronous operation will not be executed. After the asynchronous operation is complete, it is called back and destroyed.
OnWaitEventActivated A callback that is executed after a serial port event is triggered.